Submissions from 2012
Women in the Post-Conflict Process: Reviewing the Impact of Recent UN Actions in Achieving Gender Centrality, Dina Francesca Haynes, Naomi Cahn, and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
The Myth of the Magic Circle: Rejecting a Single Governance Model, Trey Hickman and Kristin Hickman
Bankers Behaving Badly? The Limits of Regulatory Reform, Claire Hill
Energy and Animals: A History of Conflict, Alexandra Klass
CERCLA, State Law, and Federalism in the 21st Century, Alexandra B. Klass
Renewable Energy and the Public Trust Doctrine, Alexandra B. Klass
Interstate Transmission Challenges for Renewable Energy: A Federalism Mismatch, Alexandra Klass and Elizabeth Wilson
Financial Regulation Reform and Too Big to Fail, Brett McDonnell
Deidentification and Reidentification in Returning Individual Findings from Biobank and Secondary Research: Regulatory Challenges and Models for Management, William McGeveran, Leili Fatehi, and Pari McGarraugh
Cognitive Warfare and Young Black Males in America, Perry L. Moriearty and William Carson
Advancing Feminist Positioning in the Field of Transitional Justice, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Litigation's Role in the Path of U.S. Federal Climate Change Regulation: Implications of AEP v. Connecticut, Hari M. Osofsky
Suburban Climate Change Efforts: Possibilities for Small and Nimble Cities Participating in State, Regional, National, and International Networks, Hari M. Osofsky
Environmental Justice and the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Hari M. Osofsky, Kate Baxter-Kauf, Bradley Hammer, Ann Mailander, Brett Mares, Amy Pikovsky, Andrew Whitney, and Laura Wilson
Market, Votes, and ‘The Calculus of Consent’, Francesco Parisi
Unjust Laws and Illegal Norms, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Georg von Wangenheim
Punitive Damages and Class Actions, Francesco Parisi and Marta Cenini
Comparative Law and Economics: Accounting for Social Norms, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Litigation and Legal Evolution: Does Procedure Matter?, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Politics with(out) Coase, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Quantitative Methods in Comparative Law, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
The Rise and Fall of the Polluter Pays Principle in Developing Countries, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Shruti Rajagopalan
Transparency and Contrarian Experts in Financial Regulation: A Brief Response to Professor Bradley, Daniel Schwarcz
Community Support for Mayoral Control of Urban School Districts: A Critical Reexamination, Francis X. Shen
The U.S. Sentencing Commission's Best Response to Booker Is to Do Nothing, Michael Tonry
Applying International Human Rights Standards to the Restraint and Seclusion of Students with Disabilities, David Weissbrodt, Willy Madeira, Daniel Stewart, and William Dikel
Families Now: What We Don't Know Is Hurting Us, Judith T. Younger
Submissions from 2011
Unilateral Alteration of Public Sector Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Contract Clause, Stephen F. Befort
Radbruch's Formula and Conceptual Analysis, Brian Bix
Mahr Agreements: Contracting in the Shadow of Family Law (and Religious Law)--A Comment on Oman's Article, Brian H. Bix
Reflections on E-Marriage Papers, Brian H. Bix
Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles: A Comment on Waldron, Brian H. Bix
Countervailing Norms, Emanuela Carbonara, Francesco Parisi, and Georg von Wangenheim
Letting the Puppets Speak: Employee Voice in the Legislative History of the Wagner Act, Laura J. Cooper
An Economic Analysis of Patent Law's Inequitable Conduct Doctrine, Thomas F. Cotter
Four Principles for Calculating Reasonable Royalties in Patent Infringement Litigation, Thomas F. Cotter
Four Questionable Rationales for the Patent Misuse Doctrine, Thomas F. Cotter
IP Misuse and Innovation Harm, Thomas F. Cotter
Keeping PACE?: The Case Against Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Programs, Prentiss Cox
Customary International Law, Jef De Mot, Vincy Fon, and Francesco Parisi
Constitutional Spaces, Allan Erbsen
Dominance, Innovation, and Efficiency: Modifying Antitrust and Intellectual Property Doctrines to Further Welfare, Daniel J. Gifford
Gendering Constitutional Design in Post-Conflict Societies, Dina Francesca Haynes, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, and Naomi Cahn
Agency-Specific Precedents: Rational Ignorance or Deliberate Strategy, Kristin Hickman
Limits of Dodd-Frank's Rating Agency Reform, Claire Hill
Why Didn't Subprime Investors Demand a (Much Larger) Lemons Premium?, Claire Hill
Sanitizing Interested Transactions, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
Compromised Fiduciaries: Conflicts of Interest in Government and Business, Claire Hill and Richard W. Painter
Of the Conditional Fee as a Response to Lawyers, Claire Hill and Richard W. Painter
Scientific Integrity: The Perils and Promise of White House Administration, Heidi Kitrosser
What If Daniel Ellsberg Hadn't Bothered?, Heidi Kitrosser
Property Rights on the New Frontier: Climate Change, Natural Resource Development, and Renewable Energy, Alexandra B. Klass
Competitiveness in State Supreme Court Elections, 1945-2009, Herbert M. Kritzer
Legal Mechanic: Where Are We Going? The Generalist vs. Specialist Challenge, Herbert M. Kritzer
The Antecedents of Disputes: Complaining and Claiming, Herbert M. Kritzer
Rules versus Standards, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
Successor Liability, John H. Matheson
Don't Panic! Defending Cowardly Interventions During and After a Financial Crisis, Brett McDonnell
Of Mises and Min(sky): Libertarian and Liberal Responses to Financial Crises Past and Present, Brett McDonnell
Setting Optimal Rules for Shareholder Proxy Access, Brett McDonnell
Strategies for an Employee Role in Corporate Governance, Brett McDonnell
Regulatory Contrarians, Brett McDonnell and Daniel Schwarcz
Collective Justice or Personal Gain? An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Class Action Lawyers and Named Plaintiffs, Steve Meili
Will Employers Undermine Health Care Reform by Dumping Sick Employees?, Amy B. Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz
Women, Vulnerability, and Humanitarian Emergencies, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Regional Strategies for Racial Integration of Schools and Housing Post-Parents Involved, Myron Orfield
Climate Change and Crises of International Law: Possibilities for Geographic Reenvisioning, Hari Osofsky
Diagonal Federalism and Climate Change: Implications for the Obama Administration, Hari M. Osofsky
The Dodd-Frank Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Provision: Was It Effective, Needed or Sufficient?, Richard W. Painter
Separating Complements: The Effects of Competition and Quality Leadership, Francesco Parisi, Matteo Alvisi, and Emanuela Carbonara
Incentive Effects of Class Actions and Punitive Damages Under Alternative Procedural Regimes, Francesco Parisi, Marta Cenini, and Barbara Luppi
Toward an Asymmetric Coase Theorem, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Vincy Fon
Reevaluating Standardized Insurance Policies, Daniel Schwarcz
Alle Radici delle Politiche Penali Americane: Una Storia Nazionale,, Michael Tonry
The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Interpreting and Developing International Humanitarian Law, David Weissbrodt, Joseph C. Hansen, and Nathaniel H. Nesbitt
Defining Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment, David Weissbrodt and Cheryl Heilman
The Role of the United States Supreme Court in Interpreting and Developing Humanitarian Law, David Weissbrodt and Nathaniel H. Nesbitt
Owning Hazard, A Tragedy, Barbara Welke
State Attorneys General's Use of Concurrent Public Enforcement Authority in Federal Consumer Protection Laws, Amy Widman and Prentiss Cox
Submissions from 2010
Let's Try This Again: The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 Attempts to Reinvigorate the "Regarded As" Prong of the Statutory Definition of Disability, Stephen F. Befort
Pre-employment Screening and Investigation: Navigating Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Stephen F. Befort
Private Ordering and Family Law, Brian Bix
Trademarks and the Boundaries of the Firm, Dan L. Burk and Brett McDonnell
Bringing Manufactured Housing into the Real Estate Finance System, Ann Burkhart
Returning Home: Women in Post-Conflict Societies, Naomi Cahn, Dina Francesca Haynes, and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
A Burkean Perspective on Patent Eligibility, Part II: Reflections on the (Counter)Revolution in Patent Law, Thomas F. Cotter
Optimal Fines for False Patent Marking, Thomas F. Cotter
Patent Remedies and Practical Reason, Tom Cotter
The Invisible Hand of Preacquired Account Marketing, Prentiss Cox
Impersonal Jurisdiction, Allan Erbsen
The Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court: Law Reform to Deliver Legal Services and Reduce Justice by Geography, Barry Feld and Shelly Schaefer
An Empirical Assessment of the Potential for Will Substitutes to Improve State Intestacy Statutes, Mary Louise Fellows, E. Gary Spitko, and Charles Q. Strohm
Graham's Good News--and Not, Richard Frase
The Law and Economics of Price Discrimination in Modern Economies: Time for Reconciliation?, Daniel J. Gifford and Robert T. Kudrle
The Process of Balancing, Oren Gross
Concepts, Categories, and Compliance in the Regulatory State, Kristin Hickman and Claire Hill
Justification Norms Under Uncertainty: A Preliminary Inquiry, Claire Hill
What Cognitive Psychologists Should Find Interesting about Tax, Claire Hill
Why Did Rating Agencies Do Such a Bad Job Rating Subprime Securities?, Claire Hill