Submissions from 2018
Managing Terrorism, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Colm Campbell
Colonialism, Redress and Transitional Justice: Ireland and Beyond, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Bill Rolston
The Summit for Civil Rights: Mission, Structure, and Initial Outcomes, Myron Orfield and William Stancil
Why Limits on Contributions to Super Pacs Should Survive Citizens United, Richard W. Painter, Norman L. Eisen, Albert W. Alschuler, and Laurence H. Tribe
Ending Public Utility Style Rate Regulation in Insurance, Daniel Schwarcz
Is U.S. Insurance Regulation Unconstitutional?, Daniel Schwarcz
Punishment and Human Dignity: Sentencing Principles for Twenty-First-Century America, Michael Tonry
Submissions from 2017
Employee Handbooks and Policy Statements: From Gratuities to Contracts and Back Again, Stephen Befort
Indeterminacy and Good Faith: Politics and Legitimacy, Brian Bix
Jane the Virgin and Other Stories of Unintentional Parenthood, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Moore’s Potential, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Parents, Babies, and More Parents, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
The Death of the Firm, June Carbone and Nancy Levit
Frontiers of Sex Discrimination Law, Jessica Clarke
The Value of the Standard, Tom Cotter and Norman Siebrasse
Competence and Culpability: Delinquents in Juvenile Courts, Youths in Criminal Courts, Barry Feld
My Life in Crime: An Intellectual History of the Juvenile Court, Barry Feld
Towards a Coherent and Workable Antitrust Policy on Vertical Restraints, Daniel Gifford and Robert T. Kudrle
U.S. Airlines and Antitrust: The Struggle for Defensible Policy Towards a Unique Industry, Daniel Gifford and Robert T. Kudrle
Unresolved Legal Questions Concerning Operation Inherent Resolve, Oren Gross
Chevron’s Inevitability, Kristin Hickman and Nicholas R. Bednar
Restoring the Lost Anti-Injunction Act, Kristin Hickman and Gerald Kerska
Banker Behavior and the Individualist Ethos, Claire Hill
Repugnant Business Models: Preliminary Thoughts on a Research and Policy Agenda, Claire Hill
Interpretive Divergence, Neha Jain
Radical Dissents in International Criminal Trials, Neha Jain
Free Speech and National Security Bootstraps, Heidi Kitrosser
Free Speech, Higher Education, and the PC Narrative, Heidi Kitrosser
The Shadow of Executive Privilege, Heidi Kitrosser
“Trust Me” and Transparency Do Not Mix, Heidi Kitrosser
Expanding the U.S. Electric Transmission and Distribution Grid to Meet Deep Decarbonization Goals, Alexandra Klass
Future-Proofing Energy Transport Law, Alexandra Klass
Life Cycle Analysis and Transportation Energy, Alexandra Klass and Andrew Heiring
Reconstituting the Federalism Battle in Energy Transportation, Alexandra Klass and Jim Rossi
Benefit Corporations and Public Markets: First Experiments and Next Steps, Brett McDonnell
Between Sin and Redemption: Duty, Purpose, and Regulation in Religious Corporations, Brett McDonnell
The Human Rights of Non-Citizens: Constitutionalized Treaty Law in Ecuador, Steve Meili
Implementing Proportionality, Perry Moriearty
Why Are the Twin Cities So Segregated?, Myron Orfield and Will Stancil
Majority Rule and the Future of Judicial Selection, Richard W. Painter and Michael J. Gerhardt
Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, Francesco Parisi, Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, and Ariel Porat
Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, Francesco Parisi, Ariel Porat, Maria Bigoni, and Stefania Bortolotti
Coverage Information in Insurance Law, Daniel Schwarcz
The Impact of Individualized Feedback on Law Student Performance, Daniel Schwarcz and Dion Farganis
Regulation by Threat: Dodd-Frank and the Nonbank Problem, Daniel Schwarcz and David Zaring
Minority Mens Rea: Racial Bias and Criminal Mental States, Francis X. Shen
The Limited Effect of Electroencephalography Memory Recognition Evidence on Assessments of Defendant Credibility, Francis X. Shen
The History and Future of Capital Punishment in the United States, Robert Stein
The 2016 Stein Lecture: A Conversation Between U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Professor Robert A. Stein, Robert Stein and Sonia Sotomayor
Submissions from 2016
Sharing Residual Liability: ‘Cheapest Cost Avoider’ Revisited, Emanuela Carbonara, Alice Guerra, and Francesco Parisi
Nonmarriage, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Public Enforcement Compensation and Private Rights, Prentiss Cox
We Are What We Tax, Mary Louise Fellows, Grace Heinecke, and Linda Sugin
Pursuing a Single Mission (or Something Closer to It) for the IRS, Kristin Hickman
Open Minds and Harmless Errors: Judicial Review of Post-Promulgation Notice and Comment, Kristin Hickman and Mark Thomson
The Rhetoric of Negative Externalities, Claire Hill
Anticompetitive Patent Injunctions, Erik Hovenkamp and Tom Cotter
Judicial Lawmaking and General Principles of Law in International Criminal Law, Neha Jain
Interpretive Modesty, Heidi Kitrosser
Remaking Energy: The Critical Role of Energy Consumption Data, Alexandra Klass and Elizabeth Wilson
Friending the Privacy Regulators, William McGeveran
Seeking Clemency for Inmates Serving Outdated Sentences, JaneAnne Murray
Regional Energy Governance and U.S. Carbon Emissions, Hari Osofsky and Hannah Jacobs Wiseman
Energy Partisanship, Hari M. Osofsky and Jacqueline Peel
Arctic Energy Cooperation, Hari M. Osofsky, Jessica Shadian, and Sara L. Fechtelkotter
The Grass Is Not Always Greener: Congressional Dysfunction, Executive Action, and Climate Change in Comparative Perspective, Hari Osofsky and Jacqueline Peel
Gordon Tullock and the Virginia School of Law and Economics, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Optimal Liability for Optimistic Tortfeasors, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Double-Edged Torts, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Daniel Pi
The Economic Analysis of International Treaty Law, Francesco Parisi and Daniel Pi
The Overlooked History of Neurolaw, Francis Shen
Law and Neuroscience 2.0, Francis X. Shen
Neurolegislation: How U.S. Legislators Are Using Brain Science, Francis X. Shen
Neuroscientific Evidence as Instant Replay, Francis X. Shen
A Consequential Justice, Robert Stein
No Longer a Neutral Magistrate: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in the Wake of the War on Terror, Robert Stein, Walter Mondale, and Caitlinrose Fisher
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Procedures and Summary of Jurisprudence, David Weissbrodt and Brittany Mitchell
Submissions from 2015
Gender Diversity and Disparity in the Legal Profession: An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Profile in National Law Firms and Law Schools, Edward S. Adams and Samuel P. Engel
Does Law School Still Make Economic Sense?: An Empirical Analysis of "Big" Law Firm Partnership Prospects and the Relationship to Law School Attended, Edward S. Adams and Samuel P. Engel
A Response to the IPCC Fifth Assessment, Sarah J. Adams-Schoen, Deepa Badrinarayana, Cinnamon Carlarne, Robin Kundis Craig, John C. Dernbach, Keith H. Hirokawa, Alexandra B. Klass, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Stephen R. Miller, Jessica Owley, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, Inara Scott, and David Takacs
What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know (Book Review), Naomi Cahn and June Carbone
Against Immutability, Jessica A. Clarke
Identity and Form, Jessica A. Clarke
Asymmetries in Rent Seeking, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Eric Langlais, Bruno Lovat, and Francesco Parisi
Liability Rules: An Economic Taxonomy, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Francesco Parisi
Personal Jurisdiction Based on the Local Effects of Intentional Misconduct, Allan Erbsen
Reorienting Personal Jurisdiction Doctrine Around Horizontal Federalism Rather than Liberty After Walden v. Fiore, Allan Erbsen
The New Way of War: Is There a Duty to Use Drones?, Oren Gross
The Agency Cost Paradigm: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
Comparative International Law at the ICTY: The General Principles Experiment, Neha Jain
Leak Prosecutions and the First Amendment: New Developments and a Closer Look at the Feasibility of Protecting Leakers, Heidi Kitrosser
The Special Value of Public Employee Speech, Heidi Kitrosser
Fracking and the Public Trust Doctrine: A Response to Spence, Alexandra Klass
The Electric Grid at a Crossroads: A Regional Approach to Siting Transmission Lines, Alexandra B. Klass
The Public Trust Doctrine in the Shadow of State Environmental Rights Laws: A Case Study, Alexandra B. Klass
Revitalizing Dormant Commerce Clause Review for Interstate Coordination, Alexandra B. Klass and Jim Rossi
Lawyers on Trial: Juror Hostility to Defendants in Legal Malpractice Trials, Herbert M. Kritzer and Neil Vidmar
Transforming Trepidation into Transactional Lawyering, John H. Matheson
Teaching Unincorporated Business Associations through a Simulated Start-Up, Brett McDonnell
The Liberal Case for Hobby Lobby, Brett McDonnell