Submissions from 2010
Trademarks and the Boundaries of the Firm, Dan L. Burk and Brett McDonnell
Bringing Manufactured Housing into the Real Estate Finance System, Ann Burkhart
Returning Home: Women in Post-Conflict Societies, Naomi Cahn, Dina Francesca Haynes, and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
A Burkean Perspective on Patent Eligibility, Part II: Reflections on the (Counter)Revolution in Patent Law, Thomas F. Cotter
Optimal Fines for False Patent Marking, Thomas F. Cotter
Patent Remedies and Practical Reason, Tom Cotter
The Invisible Hand of Preacquired Account Marketing, Prentiss Cox
Impersonal Jurisdiction, Allan Erbsen
The Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court: Law Reform to Deliver Legal Services and Reduce Justice by Geography, Barry Feld and Shelly Schaefer
An Empirical Assessment of the Potential for Will Substitutes to Improve State Intestacy Statutes, Mary Louise Fellows, E. Gary Spitko, and Charles Q. Strohm
Graham's Good News--and Not, Richard Frase
The Law and Economics of Price Discrimination in Modern Economies: Time for Reconciliation?, Daniel J. Gifford and Robert T. Kudrle
The Process of Balancing, Oren Gross
Concepts, Categories, and Compliance in the Regulatory State, Kristin Hickman and Claire Hill
Justification Norms Under Uncertainty: A Preliminary Inquiry, Claire Hill
What Cognitive Psychologists Should Find Interesting about Tax, Claire Hill
Why Did Rating Agencies Do Such a Bad Job Rating Subprime Securities?, Claire Hill
Berle's Vision Beyond Shareholder Interests: Why Investment Bankers Should Have (Some) Personal Liability, Claire Hill and Richard W. Painter
It Came from Beneath the Twilight Zone: Wiretapping and Article II Imperialism, Heidi Kitrosser
National Security and the Article II Shell Game, Heidi Kitrosser
Supremely Opaque: Accountability, Transparency, and Presidential Supremacy, Heidi Kitrosser
State Standards for Nationwide Products Revisited: Federalism, Green Building Codes, and Appliance Efficiency Standards, Alexandra B. Klass
Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration, and Property Rights, Alexandra B. Klass and Elizabeth J. Wilson
Examining the Real Demand for Legal Services, Herbert M. Kritzer
Custody Investigations in Divorce-Custody Litigation, Robert Levy
The Trademark Fair Use Reform Act, William McGeveran
Framing Justice: Media, Bias, and Legal Decisionmaking, Perry L. Moriearty
The Moral Responsibilities of Investment Bankers, Richard W. Painter
The Origins and Evolution of Property Rights Systems, Francesco Parisi
Il Mercato Dopo la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008, Francesco Parisi and Enrico Baffi
Judicial Creativity and Judicial Errors: An Organizational Perspective, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
The Efficiency of Comparative Causation, Francesco Parisi and Ram Singh
Insurance Demand Anomalies and Regulation, Daniel Schwarcz
Regulating Consumer Demand in Insurance Markets, Daniel Schwarcz
Regulating Insurance Sales or Selling Insurance Regulation?: Against Regulatory Competition in Insurance, Daniel Schwarcz
The Social, Psychological, and Political Causes of Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System, Michael Tonry
Book Review, David Weissbrodt
The Approach of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to Interpreting and Applying International Humanitarian Law, David Weissbrodt
The Role of the Human Rights Committee in Interpreting and Developing Humanitarian Law, David Weissbrodt
Submissions from 2009
Coordinating Cross-Border Bankruptcy: How Territorialism Saves Universalism, Edward Adams and Jason Fincke
Equitable Prescription Drug Coverage: Preventing Sex Discrimination in Employer-Provided Health Plans, Stephen F. Befort and Elizabeth C. Borer
Ross and Olivecrona on Rights, Brian H. Bix
A Traditionalist Case for Gay Marriage, Dale Carpenter
The Importance of Deceptive Practice Enforcement in Financial Institution Regulation, Prentiss Cox
Stability and Change in International Customary Law, Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
Norval Morris's Contributions to Sentencing Structures, Theory, and Practice, Richard Frase
Second Look Provisions in the Proposed Model Penal Code Revisions, Richard Frase
What Explains Persistent Racial Disproportionality in Minnesota's Prison and Jail Populations?, Richard Frase
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and Race Inequality, Jill Elaine Hasday
IRB Guidance: The No Man's Land of Tax Code Interpretation, Kristin Hickman
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Lawsuit: A Social Norms Theory of Incomplete Contracts, Claire Hill
Why Did Anyone Listen to the Rating Agencies after Enron?, Claire Hill
Executive Compensation and the Optimal Penumbra of Delaware Corporate Law, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
A Missed Opportunity: Minnesota's Failed Experiment with Choice-Based Integration, Margaret Hobday, Geneva Finn, and Myron Orfield
So Much More Than a "Harmless Drudge": Samuel Johnson and his Dictionary, Joan Howland
Accountability and Administrative Structure, Heidi Kitrosser
The Accountable Executive, Heidi Kitrosser
Punitive Damages after Exxon Shipping Company v. Baker: The Quest for Predictability and the Role of Juries, Alexandra Klass
Climate Change and Reassessing the "Right" Level of Government: A Response to Bronin, Alexandra B. Klass
Tort Experiments in the Laboratories of Democracy, Alexandra B. Klass
Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Identifying and Managing Risks, Alexandra B. Klass and Elizabeth J. Wilson
Functional Law and Economics, Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi
Empirical Legal Studies Before 1940: A Bibliographic Essay, Herbert M. Kritzer
Optimal Timing of Legal Intervention: The Role of Timing Rules, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
The Modern Law of Corporate Groups: An Empirical Study of Piercing the Corporate Veil in the Parent-Subsidiary Context, John H. Matheson
Professor Bainbridge and the Arrowian Moment: A Review of The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice, Brett McDonnell
Disclosure, Endorsement, and Identity in Social Marketing, William McGeveran
Staying Alive: Public Interest Law in Contemporary Latin America, Stephen Meili
Gendering the Declaration, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Women, Security, and the Patriarchy of Internationalized Transitional Justice, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Gender and the Rule of Law in Transitional Societies, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Michael Hamilton
The Regulation of Creativity under the WIPO Internet Treaties, Ruth Okediji
Bailouts: An Essay on Conflicts of Interest and Ethics When Government Pays the Tab, Richard W. Painter
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Legal Education, Francesco Parisi
Prefazione, Francesco Parisi
Choice of Law and Legal Evolution: Rethinking the Market for Legal Rules, Francesco Parisi and Emanuela Carbonara
Self-Defeating Subsidiarity, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Barbara Luppi
An Economic Analysis of the CISG, Francesco Parisi and Marta Cenini
Seeking Rents in the Shadow of Coase, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, and Sander Onderstal
The Economics of Treaty Ratification, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Beyond Liability: Correcting Optimism Bias Through Tort Law, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Differential Compensation and the "Race to the Bottom" in Consumer Insurance Markets, Daniel Schwarcz
Redesigning Consumer Dispute Resolution: A Case Study of the British and American Approaches to Insurance Claims Conflict, Daniel Schwarcz
Rule of Law: What Does It Mean?, Robert Stein
Teaching the Rule of Law, Robert Stein
The Mostly Unintended Effects of Mandatory Penalties: Two Centuries of Consistent Findings, Michael Tonry
The Untold Story of America's First Sentencing Commission, Michael Tonry
The Administration of Justice and Human Rights, David Weissbrodt
Submissions from 2008
Within the Grasp of the Cat's Paw: Delineating the Scope of Subordinate Bias Liability Under Federal Anti-Discrimination Statutes, Stephen F. Befort and Alison Olig
Negative Dimensions of Identity: A Research Agenda for Law and Public Policy, Avner Ben-Ner and Claire Hill
Takings and Trespass: Trespass Liability for Precondemnation Entries, Ann Burkhart
Bargaining for Legal Harmonization: Jurisdictional Competition and Legal Obsolescence, Emanuela Carbonara and Francesco Parisi
Lawmakers as Norms Entrepreneurs, Emanuela Carbonara, Francesco Parisi, and Georg von Wangenheim
Straight Acting, Dale Carpenter
Privatizing Labor Law: Neutrality/Card Check Agreements and the Role of the Arbitrator, Laura Cooper
Fair Use and Copyright Overenforcement, Thomas F. Cotter
Toward a Functional Definition of Publication in Copyright Law, Thomas F. Cotter
Learning the Law by Avoiding It in the Process: And Learning From the Students What They Don't Get in Law School, Charles A. Cox Sr. and Maury S. Landsman
Foreclosure Reform Amid Mortgage Lending Turmoil: A Public Purpose Approach, Prentiss Cox
Horizontal Federalism, Allan Erbsen