Submissions from 2006
How Did We Get Here Anyway?: Considering the Standing Question in DaimlerChrysler v. Cuno, Kristin Hickman
The Need for Mead: Rejecting Tax Exceptionalism in Judicial Deference, Kristin Hickman
A Cognitive Theory of Trust, Claire Hill and Erin O'Hara O'Connor
Modern Public Trust Principles: Recognizing Rights and Integrating Standards, Alexandra B. Klass
Convergence, Culture and Contract Law in China, John H. Matheson
Political Violence and Gender in Times of Transition, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Choice, Equal Protection, and Metropolitan Integration: The Hope of the Minneapolis Desegregation Settlement, Myron Orfield
Land Use and Housing Policies to Reduce Concentrated Poverty and Racial Segregation, Myron Orfield
Commentary B on Breton and Salmon [Bijural Services as Factors of Production], Francesco Parisi
International Customary Law and Articulation Theories: An Economic Analysis, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Judicial Precedents in Civil Law Systems: A Dynamic Analysis, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, Francesco Parisi, Nuno Garoupa, and Jonathan Klick
The Role of Status Quo Bias and Bayesian Learning in the Creation of New Legal Rights, Francesco Parisi and Robert L. Scharff
Two Dimensions of Regulatory Competition, Francesco Parisi, Norbert Schulz, and Jonathan Klick
From ‘Tragedy’ to ‘Disaster’: Welfare Effects of Commons and Anticommons Dilemmas, Francesco Parisi, Sven Vanneste, A. Van Hiel, and Ben Depoorter
Legislation and Countervailing Effects from Social Norms, Francesco Parisi and Georg von Wangenheim
The Future of the Legal Profession, Robert Stein
Purposes and Functions of Sentencing, Michael Tonry
Prospects for Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, David Weissbrodt
The Absolute Prohibition of Torture and Ill-Treatment, David Weissbrodt
Extraordinary Rendition: A Human Rights Analysis, David Weissbrodt and Amy Bergquist
Extraordinary Rendition and the Torture Convention, David Weissbrodt and Amy Bergquist
The Human Rights of Stateless Persons, David Weissbrodt and Clay Collins
Piercing the Confidentiality Veil: Physician Testimony in International Criminal Trials Against Perpetrators of Torture, David Weissbrodt, Ferhat Pekin, and Amelia Wilson
Diverging Perspectives on Electronic Contracting in the U.S. and EU, Jane K. Winn and Brian H. Bix
Submissions from 2005
A Reprise of a Classic: Gorman & Finkin's Basic Text on Labor Law: Unionization and Collective Bargaining, Stephen F. Befort
Everything I Know About Marriage I Learned from Law Professors, Brian Bix
State Interests in Marriage, Interstate Recognition, and Choice of Law, Brian H. Bix
Cross-National Measures of Punitiveness, Alfred Blumstein, Michael Tonry, and Asheley Van Ness
Bad Arguments Against Gay Marriage, Dale Carpenter
The Value of Institutions and the Values of Free Speech, Dale Carpenter
Viewing September 11 through the Lens of History, Carol L. Chomsky
The Economics of Tort Law, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Francesco Parisi
From "Predominance" to "Resolvability": A New Approach to Regulating Class Actions, Allan Erbsen
Revenge and Retaliation, Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
Excessive Prison Sentences, Punishment Goals, and the Eighth Amendment: "Proportionality" Relative To What?, Richard Frase
Punishment Purposes, Richard Frase
Sentencing Guidelines in Minnesota, 1978-2003, Richard Frase
State Sentencing Guidelines: Diversity, Consensus, and Unresolved Policy Issues, Richard Frase
The Warren Court's Missed Opportunities in Substantive Criminal Law, Richard Frase
Contracting Around Finality: Transforming Price v. Neal from Dictate to Default, Christopher M. Grengs and Edward S. Adams
Intimacy and Economic Exchange, Jill Elaine Hasday
Synergy and Serendipity, Joan Howland
The Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse Prosecution: Two Florida Case Studies, Robert Levy
Shareholder Bylaws, Shareholder Nominations, and Poison Pills, Brett McDonnell
Book Review—Mercy on Trial: What It Means to Stop an Execution, JaneAnne Murray
Racial Integration and Community Revitalization: Applying the Fair Housing Act to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, Myron Orfield
Segregation and Environmental Justice, Myron Orfield
Why Minnesota Will Weather Blakely's Blast, Dale G. Parent and Richard Frase
Coase Theorem and Transaction Cost Economics in the Law, Francesco Parisi
Commons and Anticommons, Francesco Parisi
Methodological Debates in Law and Economics: The Changing Contours of a Discipline, Francesco Parisi
Obsolescence and Immanence in Penal Theory and Policy, Michael Tonry
The Functions of Sentencing and Sentencing Reform, Michael Tonry
Punishment and Crime Across Space and Time, Michael Tonry and David P. Farrington
Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities, David Weissbrodt
[Book Review] Whose America?, Judith T. Younger
Whose America?, Judith T. Younger
Submissions from 2004
A Man's Home Is His Castle: How the Law Shelters Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment, Beverly Balos
The Wrong Way to Equality: Privileging Consent in the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Exploitation, Beverly Balos
Accommodation at Work: Lessons from the Americans with Disabilities Act and Possibilities for Alleviating the American Worker Time Crunch, Stephen F. Befort
A New Voice for the Workplace: A Proposal for an American Works Councils Act, Stephen F. Befort
The Labor and Employment Law Decisions of the Supreme Court's 2003-04 Term, Stephen F. Befort
At the Cutting Edge of Labor Law Preemption: A Critique of Chamber of Commerce v. Lockyer, Stephen F. Befort and Bryan N. Smith
The Public and Private Ordering of Marriage, Brian Bix
Four Arguments against the Federal Marriage Amendment that Even an Opponent of Gay Marriage Should Accept, Dale Carpenter
Is Lawrence Libertarian?, Dale Carpenter
The Antipaternalism Principle in the First Amendment, Dale Carpenter
The Unknown Past of Lawrence v. Texas, Dale Carpenter
Researching Labor Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Employment, Employee Advocate: A Publication of the National Employment Lawyers Association, Laura Cooper and Suzanne Thorpe
Varieties of Youth Justice, Anthony Doob and Michael Tonry
Government Policy Towards Innovation in the United States, Canada, and the European Union as Manifested in Patent, Copyright, and Competition Laws, Daniel J. Gifford
How Do the Social Benefits and Costs of the Patent System Stack Up in Pharmaceuticals?, Daniel J. Gifford
Are Torture Warrants Warranted? Pragmatic Absolutism and Official Disobedience, Oren Gross
Moral Judgment of Law Students Across Three Years: Influences of Gender, Political Ideology and Interest in Altruistic Law Practice, Maury Landsman and Steven P. McNeel
The Limits of Business Limited Liability: Entity Veil Piercing and Successor Liability Doctrines, John Matheson
Corporate Constituency Statutes and Employee Governance, Brett McDonnell
Is Incest Next?, Brett McDonnell
Lessons from the Rise and (Possible) Fall of Chinese Township-Village Enterprises, Brett McDonnell
SOx Appeals, Brett McDonnell
Through the Years: The Supreme Court and the Copyright Clause, Ruth Okediji
Employment Discrimination Remedies and Tax Gross Ups, Gregg Polsky and Stephen Befort
International Human Rights Law Perspective on Grutter and Gratz, David Weissbrodt
The Sub-Commission's Initiative on Human Rights and Intellectual Property, David Weissbrodt and Kell Schoff
Submissions from 2003
Corporate Governance after Enron and Global Crossing: Comparative Lessons for Cross-National Improvement, Edward Adams
Corporate Governance after Enron and Global Crossing: Comparative Lessons for Cross-National Improvement, 78 723 (2003), Edward S. Adams
Reasonable Accommodation and Reassignment under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Answers, Questions, and Suggested Solutions after U.S. Airways, Inc. v. Barnett, Stephen F. Befort
Revisiting the Black Hole of Workplace Regulation: A Historical and Comparative Perspective of Contingent Work, Stephen F. Befort
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Federalism, Brian H. Bix
State Interest and Marriage--The Theoretical Perspective, Brian H. Bix
The Constitutional Underpinnings of Homelessness, Ann Burkhart
Judicial Supremacy and Its Discontents, Dale Carpenter
Teaching ADR in the Workplace Once and Again: A Pedagogical History, Laura J. Cooper
Why (and How) Fairness Matters at the IP/Antitrust Interface, Daniel A. Farber and Brett McDonnell
Competence, Culpability, and Punishment: Implications of Atkins for Executing and Sentencing Adolescents, Barry C. Feld
Race, Politics, and Juvenile Justice: The Warren Court and the Conservative "Backlash", Barry C. Feld
What Were They Thinking? Fourth Amendment Unreasonableness in Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, Richard Frase
Antitrust's Troubled Relations with Intellectual Property, Daniel J. Gifford