Submissions from 2003
The Antitrust/Intellectual Property Interface: An Emerging Solution to an Intractable Problem, Daniel J. Gifford
Chaos and Rules: Should Responses to Violent Crises Always Be Constitutional?, Oren Gross
Ellman's "Why Making Family Law is Hard": Additional Reflections, Robert Levy
The Limitations of Limited Liability: Lessons for Entrepreneurs (and Their Attorneys), John H. Matheson
Getting Stuck Between Bottom and Top: State Competition for Corporate Charters in the Presence of Network Effects, Brett McDonnell
The Economists' New Arguments, Brett McDonnell
Public Welfare and the Role of the WTO: Reconsidering the TRIPs Agreement, Ruth Okediji
Liability for Pure Financial Loss: Revisiting the Economic Foundations of a Legal Doctrine, Francesco Parisi
The Market for Intellectual Property: The Case of Complementary Oligopoly, Francesco Parisi and Ben Depoorter
Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights, David Weissbrodt and Muria Kruger
A Review of the Fifty-Fourth Session of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, David Weissbrodt, Penny Parker, Laura Gerber, Muria Kruger, and Joe W. (Chip) Pitts III
Human Rights Approach to Intellectual Property Protection: The Genesis and Application of Sub-Commission Resolution 2000/7, David Weissbrodt and Kell Schoff
Submissions from 2002
Using Evaluations To Break Down the Male Corporate Hierarchy: A Full Circle Approach, Edward Adams
Labor and Employment Law at the Millennium: A Historical Review and Critical Assessment, Stephen F. Befort
The Most Difficult ADA Reasonable Accommodation Issues: Reassignment and Leave of Absence, Stephen F. Befort
Keeping Secrets, Dale Carpenter
Choice of Organizational Form for the Start-Up Business, John H. Matheson
Banks and Venture Capitalists: Are the New Rules Too Tough, Too Weak, or Just Right?, Brett McDonnell
Convergence in Corporate Governance--Possible, But Not Desirable, Brett McDonnell
Economic Foundations of Private Law: An Introduction, Richard A. Posner and Francesco Parisi
A Review of the Fifty-third Session of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, David Weissbrodt, Bret Thiele, Mayra Gomez, and Muria Kruger
Submissions from 2001
The Trusteeship of Legal Rulemaking, Edward S. Adams and Richard A. Saliterman
How to Plot Love on an Indifference Curve, Brian H. Bix
Premarital Agreements in the ALI Principles of Family Dissolution, Brian H. Bix
A Conservative Defense of Romer v. Evans, Dale Carpenter
Expressive Association and Anti-Discrimination Law After Dale: A Tripartite Approach, Dale Carpenter
The Limits of Gaylaw, Dale Carpenter
Multidisciplinary Practice and the Future of the Legal Profession: Considering a Role for Independent Directors, John H. Matheson and Peter D. Favorite
Family Law and Succession, Francesco Parisi and Giampaolo Frezza
The Back-Door to Prison: Waiver Reform, "Blended Sentencing," and the Law of Unintended Consequences, Marcy Rasmussen Podkopacz and Barry C. Feld
Antenuptial Agreements, Judith T. Younger
Submissions from 2000
The Easy Case for Derivatives Use: Advocating a Corporate Fiduciary Duty to Use Derivatives, Edward Adams and David E. Runkle
A Market-Based Solution to the Judicial Clerkship Selection Process, Edward S. Adams
A Statutory Model for Corporate Constituency Concerns, Edward S. Adams and John H. Matheson
Reassignment Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Reasonable Accommodation, Affirmative Action, or Both?, Stephen F. Befort and Tracey Holmes Donesky
The Sounds of Silence: The Libertarian Ethos of ERISA Preemption, Stephen F. Befort and Christopher J. Kopka
Unlocking the Mysteries of Holy Trinity: Spirit, Letter, and History in Statutory Interpretation, Carol Chomsky
Introducing Negotiation and Drafting into the Contracts Classroom, Carol Chomsky and Maury Landsman
Pride and Prejudice: A Study of Connections, Mary Louise Fellows
Why Does a Conservative Court Rule in Favor of Liberal Government? The Cohen-Spitzer Analysis and the Constitutional Scheme, Daniel Gifford
Innovation and Creativity in the Fine Arts: The Relevance and Irrelevance of Copyright, Daniel J. Gifford
Not "If" but "How": Reflecting on the ABA Commission's Recommendations on Multidisciplinary Practice, John H. Matheson and Edward S. Adams
The Doctrine of Piercing the Veil in an Era of Multiple Limited Liability Entities: An Opportunity to Codify the Test for Waiving Owners' Limited Liability Protection, John H. Matheson and Raymond B. Eby
ESOP's Failures: Fiduciary Duties When Managers of Employee-Owned Companies Vote to Entrench Themselves, Brett McDonnell
The Curious Incident of the Workers in the Boardroom, Brett McDonnell
An Analysis of the Fifty-first Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, David Weissbrodt, Mayra Gomez, and Bret Thiele
A Review of the 51st Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, David Weissbrodt, Mayra Gomez, and Bret Thiele
Submissions from 1999
Beyond the Formalism Debate: Expert Reasoning, Fuzzy Logic, and Complex Statutes, Edward Adams and Daniel Farber
Spin-Offs, Fiduciary Duty, and the Law, Edward Adams and Arijit Mukherji
A Matter of Prostitution: Becoming Respectable, Beverly Balos and Mary Louise Fellows
Mental Illness and Long-Term Disability Plans Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Stephen F. Befort
The ADA in Turmoil: Judicial Dissonance, The Supreme Court's Response, and the Future of Disability Discrimination Law, Stephen F. Befort and Holly Lindquist Thomas
Lenders and Land, Ann Burkhart
The Transformation of the Juvenile Court--Part II: Social Structure, Race, and the "Crack Down" on Youth Crime, Barry C. Feld
Sentencing Guidelines in Minnesota, Other States, and the Federal Courts: A Twenty-Year Retrospective, Richard Frase
Java and Microsoft: How Does the Antitrust Story Unfold?, Daniel J. Gifford
Corporate Governance at the Millennium: The Decline of the Poison Pill Antitakeover Defense, John H. Matheson
Researching Labor Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Employment, Suzanne Thorpe and Laura J. Cooper
Federal Sentencing Can Be Made More Just, If the Sentencing Commission Wants to Make It So, Michael Tonry
Rethinking Unthinkable Punishment Policies in America, Michael Tonry
American Prisons at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century, Michael Tonry and Joan Petersilia
Highlights of the Fiftieth Session of the United Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, David Weissbrodt, Mayra Gomez, and Bret Thiele
Travaux Preparatoires of the Fair Trial Provisions--Articles 8 to 11--of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, David Weissbrodt and Mattias Hallendorff
The Principle of Non-Refoulement: Article 3 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Comparison with the Non-Refoulement Provisions of Other International Human Rights Treaties, David Weissbrodt and Isabel Hortreiter
More Light Thoughts and Night Thoughts on the American Family, Judith T. Younger
Submissions from 1998
The Stein Years--A Time of Advancement and Prosperity, Edward S. Adams
At the End of Palsgraf, There is Chaos: An Assessment of Proximate Cause in Light of Chaos Theory, Edward S. Adams, Gordon B. Brumwell, and James A. Glazier
Constructing a Jury that Is Both Impartial and Representative: Utilizing Cumulative Voting in Jury Selection, Edward S. Adams and Christian J. Lane
Law Firms on the Big Board?: A Proposal for Nonlawyer Investment in Law Firms, Edward S. Adams and John H. Matheson
Demystifying Federal Labor and Employment Law Preemption, Stephen F. Befort
Third-Party Defenses to Mortgages, Ann Burkhart
Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems' Responses to Youth Violence, Barry C. Feld
Rocking the Tax Code: A Case Study of Employment-Related Child-Care Expenditures, Mary Louise Fellows
A Feminist Interpretation of the Law of Legitimacy, Mary Louise Fellows
Committed Partners and Inheritance: An Empirical Study, Mary Louise Fellows, Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Amy Chiericozzi, Ann Hale, Christopher Lee, Robin Preble, and Michael Voran
The Race to Innocence: Confronting Hierarchical Relations among Women, Mary Louise Fellows and Sherene Razack
Diversity Deferred, Joan Howland
Employee Beware: The Irreparable Damage of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine, John H. Matheson
Youth Violence in America, Mark H. Moore and Michael Tonry
The Economics of Customary Law: Lessons From Evolutionary Socio-Biology, Francesco Parisi
Intermediate Sanctions in Sentencing Guidelines, Michael Tonry
An Analysis of the Forty-ninth Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, David Weissbrodt, Shinobu Garrigues, and Roman Kroke
Brief Summary of the 50th Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, David Weissbrodt, Mayra Gomez, and Bret Thiele
Submissions from 1997
Solving a Profound Flaw in Fraud-on-the-Market Theory: Utilizing a Derivative of Arbitrage Pricing Theory to Measure Rule 10b-5 Damages, Edward Adams and David E. Runkle
The Bounds of Professionalism: Challenging Our Students; Challenging Ourselves, Beverly Balos
Gender, Race, and Sentencing, Kathleen Daly and Michael Tonry
Abolish the Juvenile Court: Youthfulness, Criminal Responsibility, and Sentencing Policy, Barry C. Feld
Sentencing Principles in Theory and Practice, Richard Frase
Labor Policy in Late Twentieth Century Capitalism: New Paradoxes for the Democratic State, Daniel J. Gifford
Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration, Michael Tonry
Review of Developments at the 48th Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, David Weissbrodt and Sosamma Samuel
Submissions from 1996
A Privatization Solution to the Legitimacy of Prepetition Waivers of the Automatic Stay, Edward S. Adams and James L. Baillie
Beyond the Rhetoric of the NAFTA Treaty Debate: A Comparative Analysis of Labor and Employment Law in Mexico and the United States, Stephen F. Befort and Virginia Cornett
A Review Essay of Richard Vigilante's Strike: The Daily News War and the Future of American Labor, Daniel J. Gifford
Microsoft Corporation, the Justice Department, and Antitrust Theory, Daniel J. Gifford
The Draft International Antitrust Code Proposed at Munich: Good Intentions Gone Awry, Daniel J. Gifford
Civil War as Paradigm: Reestablishing the Rule of Law at the End of the Cold War, Jill Elaine Hasday
A Call for a Unified Business Organization Law, John H. Matheson and Brent A. Olson
Law as a Voluntary Enterprise, Francesco Parisi