Submissions from 2015
The Imaginary Trademark Parody Crisis (and the Real One), William McGeveran
The Right Not To Hold a Political Opinion: Implications for Asylum in the United States and the United Kingdom, Stephen Meili
Contracts, Persons and Property: A Tribute to Margaret Jane Radin, Ruth Okediji
Milliken, Meredith and Metropolitan Segregation, Myron Orfield
Rethinking the Geography of Local Climate Action: Multi-Level Network Participation in Metropolitan Regions, Hari M. Osofsky
Rent-Seeking and Litigation: The Hidden Virtues of Limited Fee-Shifting, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Georg von Wangenheim
Litigation as Rent Seeking, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
A Critical Take on Group Regulation of Insurers in the United States, Daniel Schwarcz
Submissions from 2014
Towards A Universal Framework For Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Schwarcz
Understanding Insurance Antidiscrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Schwarcz
Understanding Insurance Antidiscrimination Laws, Ronen Avraham, Kyle D. Logue, and Daniel Schwarcz
Statutory Reading of Opaque Constructions - Errors and Purposes, Brian H. Bix
Taxing Manufactured Homes, Ann Burkhart
The Right to Travel: Breaking Down the Thousand Petty Fortresses of State Self-Deportation Laws, Linus Chan
Comparative Law and Economics of Standard-Essential Patents and FRAND Royalties, Thomas F. Cotter
FTC v. Actavis, Inc.: When Is the Rule of Reason Not the Rule of Reason?, Thomas F. Cotter
Make No Little Plans: Response to Ted Sichelman, Purging Patent Law of Private Law Remedies, Tom Cotter
Testing, Diversity, and Merit: A Reply to Dan Subotnik and Others, Andrea A. Curcio, Carol L. Chomsky, and Eileen Kaufman
Questioning Gender: Police Interrogation of Delinquent Girls, Barry C. Feld
Who's Afraid of Good Governance? State Fiscal Crises, Public Pension Underfunding, and the Resistance to Governance Reform, Thomas Fitzpatrick and Amy B. Monahan
Classics in Comparative Law: An Introduction, Tom Ginsburg, P. G. Monateri, and Francesco Parisi
The Rule of Law at a Crossroad: Enforcing Corporate Responsibility in International Investment Through the Alien Tort Statute, Jennie Green
The Rhetoric of War: Words, Conflict, and Categorization Post 9/11, Oren Gross and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Administering the Tax System We Have, Kristin Hickman
The Three Phases of Mead, Kristin Hickman
Response Essay: The Personhood Rationale and its Impact on the Durability of Private Claims to Public Property, Alexandra Klass
Energy Policy, Extraterritoriality, and the Dormant Commerce Clause, Alexandra Klass and Elizabeth Henley
An Exploration of "Non-economic" Damages in Civil Jury Awards, Herbert M. Kritzer, Guangya Liu, and Neil Vidmar
Committing To Doing Good and Doing Well: Fiduciary Duty in Benefit Corporations, Brett McDonnell
Plugging Leaks and Lowering Levees in the Federal Government: Practical Solutions for Securities Trading Based on Political Intelligence, Donna M. Nagy and Richard W. Painter
Is Intellectual Property "Investment"?, Ruth Okediji
Charters, Choice and the Constitution, Myron Orfield
Complex Value Choices at the Environment-Energy Interface, Hari M. Osofsky
The Geography of Solving Global Environmental Problems: Reflections on Polycentric Efforts to Address Climate Change, Hari M. Osofsky
Hybrid Energy Governance, Hari M. Osofsky and Hannah J. Wiseman
People Who Are Not Legal and Who Are Not Alive in the Eyes of the Law, Richard W. Painter
Harmonization of European Private Law: An Economic Analysis, Francesco Parisi
Returns to Effort in Rent-Seeking Games, Francesco Parisi and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Loss-Sharing Between Non-Negligent Parties, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, and Bruno Lovat
Biasing, Debiasing, and the Law, Daniel Pi, Francesco Parisi, and Barbara Luppi
Transparently Opaque: Understanding the Lack of Transparency in Insurance Consumer Protection, Daniel Schwarcz
Regulating Systemic Risk in Insurance, Daniel Schwarcz and Steven L. Schwarcz
Sentencing Enhancement and the Crime Victim's Brain, Francis X. Shen
The Language of Mens Rea, Francis X. Shen
Legal and Ethical Issues in the Prediction of Recidivism, Michael Tonry
Why Crime Rates Are Falling Throughout the Western World, Michael Tonry
Human Rights Standards Concerning Transnational Corporations and Other Business Entities, David Weissbrodt
Compliance of the United States with International Labor Law, David Weissbrodt and Matthew Mason
Submissions from 2013
Rethinking the Law Firm Organizational Form and Capitalization Structure, Edward S. Adams
An Empirical Analysis of Case Outcomes Under the ADA Amendments Act, Stephen F. Befort
Law and Reasons: Comments on Rodriguez-Blanco, Brian Bix
Boilerplate, Freedom of Contract, and "Democratic Degradation", Brian H. Bix
Contract Texts, Contract Teaching, Contract Law: Comment on Lawrence Cunningham, Contracts in the Real World, Brian H. Bix
Private Enforcement, Steven B. Burbank, Sean Farhang, and Herbert M. Kritzer
Who's the Father?, Naomi Cahn and June Carbone
The End of Men or the Rebirth of Class?, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
The Gender/Class Divide: Reproduction, Privilege, and the Workplace, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
The Triple System of Family Law, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Inferring Desire, Jessica A. Clarke
The Capstone Course in Labor and Employment Law: A Comprehensive Immersion Simulation Integrating Law, Lawyering Skills, and Professionalism, Laura J. Cooper
Reining in Remedies in Patent Litigation: Three (Increasingly Immodest) Proposals, Thomas F. Cotter
Limits of Disclosure, Steven Davidoff Solomon and Claire Hill
Who Must Presume Whom to Be Innocent of What?, Antony Duff
Erie's Four Functions: Reframing Choice of Law in Federal Courts, Allan Erbsen
Erie's Starting Points: The Potential Role of Default Rules in Structuring Choice of Law Analysis, Allan Erbsen
Adolescent Criminal Responsibility, Proportionality, and Sentencing Policy: Roper, Graham, Miller/Jackson, and the Youth Discount, Barry C. Feld
Behind Closed Doors: What Really Happens When Cops Question Kids, Barry C. Feld
The Youth Discount: Old Enough to Do the Crime, Too Young to Do the Time, Barry C. Feld
Costly Mistakes: Undertaxed Business Owners and Overtaxed Workers, Mary Louise Fellows and Lily Khang
What's "Different" (Enough) in Eighth Amendment Law?, Richard Frase
Women's Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon, Jill Elaine Hasday
Unpacking the Force of Law, Kristin Hickman
Reconsidering Board Oversight Duties after the Financial Crisis, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
A History of Legal History Courses Offered in American Law Schools, Joan Howland
Individual Responsibility for Mass Atrocity: In Search of a Concept of Perpetration, Neha Jain
Free Speech Aboard the Leaky Ship of State: Calibrating First Amendment Protections for Leakers of Classified Information, Heidi Kitrosser
Climate Change and the Convergence of Environmental and Energy Law, Alexandra Klass
Tax Benefits, Property Rights, and Mandates: Considering the Future of Government Support for Renewable Energy, Alexandra Klass
Takings and Transmission, Alexandra B. Klass
It's the Law Schools Stupid! Explaining the Continuing Increase in the Number of Lawyers, Herbert M. Kritzer
Law Schools and the Continuing Growth of the Legal Profession, Herbert M. Kritzer
The Trials and Tribulations of Counting "Trials", Herbert M. Kritzer
Teaching Law Students, Judges, and the Community: Rational Sentencing Policies, Robert Levy
Dampening Financial Regulatory Cycles, Brett McDonnell
Designing Countercyclical Capital Buffers, Brett McDonnell
The Law of Friction, William McGeveran
Confusion Isn't Everything, William McGeveran and Mark P. McKenna
U.K. Refugee Lawyers: Pushing the Boundaries of Domestic Court Acceptance of International Human Rights Law, Stephen Meili
Saving Small-Employer Health Insurance, Amy B. Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz
"Anything Can Happen:" Interpreting the 'End' of War, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Justice in Times of Transition: A Reflection on Transitional Justice, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Situating Women in Counterterrorism Discourses: Undulating Masculinities and Liminal Femininities, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
America's Racially Diverse Suburbs: Opportunities and Challenges, Myron Orfield and Thomas F. Luce
Dynamic Energy Federalism, Hari M. Osofsky and Hannah J. Wiseman
Litigation's Regulatory Pathways and the Administrative State: Lessons from U.S. and Australian Climate Change Governance, Hari Osofsky and Jacqueline Peel
Numerical Half Truths, Human Lies, and Other Distortions of Truth, Richard W. Painter
Sworn to Fun, Loyal to None: Time Inconsistent Preferences in Investment Banking, Richard W. Painter
Enforcing Bilateral Promises, Francesco Parisi, Marta Cenini, and Barbara Luppi
Jury Size and the Hung-Jury Paradox, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi