Submissions from 2020
Categorizing Chevron, Kristin Hickman
Narrowing Chevron’s Domain, Kristin Hickman and Aaron L. Nielson
Repetition, Ritual, and Reputation: How Do Market Participants Deal with (Some Types of) Incomplete Information?, Claire Hill
Bad Agent, Good Citizen?, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
Separate Judicial Speech, Neha Jain
Like “Nobody Has Ever Seen Before”: Precedent and Privilege in the Trump Era, Heidi Kitrosser
Eminent Domain Law as Climate Policy, Alexandra Klass
Regulating the Energy “Free Riders, Alexandra Klass
The Public Use Clause in an Age of U.S. Natural Gas Exports, Alexandra Klass
Double Standards: An Empirical Study of Patent and Trademark Discipline, Jon J. Lee
Affordable Content in Legal Education, Connie Lenz
Asylum Under Attack: Is It Time for A Constitutional Right?, Steve Meili
The Gender of Occupation, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
The Limits of Equality and Gender Discourses in Counter-Terrorism: The Case of Women and Children in Syria and Iraq, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Law and Economics as We Grow Younger, Francesco Parisi
Multiple Causes and Stacked Inferences: Comment, Francesco Parisi
Quantifying Reasonable Doubt, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Daniel Pi
Deterrence of Wrongdoing in Ancient Law, Francesco Parisi, Daniel Pi, Barbara Luppi, and Iole Fargnoli
Prison-Release Reform and American Decarceration, Kevin Reitz
The Role of Courts in the Evolution of Standard Form Contracts: An Insurance Case Study, Daniel Schwarcz
Towards A Civil Rights Approach to Insurance Anti-Discrimination Law, Daniel Schwarcz
Proxy Discrimination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Daniel Schwarcz and Anya E.R. Prince
Aging Judges, Francis Shen
The Intersectionality of Age and Gender on the Bench: Are Younger Female Judges Harsher with Serious Crimes?, Francis Shen
Determining The Perspective Of A Reasonable Police Officer: An Evidence-Based Proposal, Mitchell Zamoff
Submissions from 2019
Blackstonian Marriage, Gender, and Cohabitation, June Carbone
The Fight to Expand Education—Two Centuries Apart, June Carbone
Women, Rule-Breaking, and the Triple Bind, June Carbone
Discrimination by Design?, June Carbone, Naomi Cahn, and Nancy Levit
Demystifying Patent Holdup, Tom Cotter
Fractured Justice: An Experimental Study of Pretrial Judicial Decision-Making, Prentiss Cox
Wayfair Undermines Nicastro: The Constitutional Connection Between State Tax Authority and Personal Jurisdiction, Allan Erbsen
Forty Years of American Sentencing Guidelines: What Have We Learned?, Richard Frase
Suspended Sentences and Free-Standing Probation Orders in U.S. Guidelines Systems: A Survey and Assessment, Richard Frase
To Repudiate or Merely Curtail? Justice Gorsuch and Chevron Deference, Kristin Hickman
The Chevronization of Auer, Kristin Hickman and Mark R. Thomson
“Tone at the Top” and the Communication of Corporate Values: Lost in Translation?, Claire Hill
The Many Inequalities of International Law, Neha Jain
On Public Employees and Judicial Buck-Passing: The Respective Roles of Statutory and Constitutional Protections for Government Whistleblowers, Heidi Kitrosser
Energy and Eminent Domain, Alexandra Klass
Public Utilities and Transportation Electrification, Alexandra Klass
Polarized Justice? Changing Patterns of Decision-Making in the Federal Courts, Herbert M. Kritzer
Owning Colors, Jon J. Lee
Shareholder Democracy and Special Interest Governance, John Matheson and Vilena Nicolet
Energy Re-Investment, Brett McDonnell, Jacqueline Peel, and Anita Foerster
The Duty of Data Security, William McGeveran
Constitutionalized Human Rights Law in Mexico: Hope for Central American Refugees?, Steve Meili
State Individual Income Tax Conformity in Practice: Evidence from the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, Amy B. Monahan
Ameliorating the Federal Trial Penalty through a Systematic Judicial “Second Look” Procedure, JaneAnne Murray
How Can States Counter Terrorism While Protecting Human Rights?, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Between Reparations and Repair: Assessing the Work of the ICC Trust Fund for Victims Under Its Assistance Mandate, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Anne Dutton
Accuracy in Public Law Enforcement Under Political Competition: Comment, Francesco Parisi
Productive and Unproductive Competition: A Unified Framework, Francesco Parisi, Alice Guerra, and Barbara Luppi
Rethinking Police Rulemaking, Maria Ponomarenko
Fourth Amendment Reasonableness After Carpenter, Alan Rozenshtein
Wicked Crypto, Alan Rozenshtein
Regulating Entities and Activities: Complementary Approaches to Nonbank Systemic Risk, Daniel Schwarcz
The Failure of Youth Sports Concussion Laws and the Limits of Legislating Health Education, Francis Shen
What Exactly Is the Rule of Law?, Robert Stein
Fifty Years of American Sentencing Reform: Nine Lessons, Michael Tonry
Predictions of Dangerousness in Sentencing: Déjà Vu All Over Again, Michael Tonry
Explaining the Rise of Diaspora Institutions, Paul Vaaler, Alan Gamlen, and Michael E. Cummings
Human Rights Conditions: What We Know and Why It Matters, David Weissbrodt and Patrick Finnegan
Submissions from 2018
Direct Threat and Business Necessity: Understanding and Untangling Two ADA Defenses, Stephen Befort
The Declining Fortunes of American Workers: Six Dimensions and an Agenda for Reform, Stephen Befort
A New Historical Jurisprudence?, Brian Bix
Commodified Promises and Contract Theory, Brian Bix
Contract Law and the Common Good, Brian Bix
Fixing Foreclosure, Ann Burkhart
Gender and the Tournament: Reinventing Antidiscrimination Law in an Age of Inequality, June Carbone, Nancy Levit, and Naomi Cahn
Surrogacy Professionalism, June Carbone and Christina O. Miller
The Promise and Failure of Silence as a Shield Against Immigration Enforcement, Linus Chan
Understanding “Sanctuary Cities”, Linus Chan, Juliet P. Stumpf, Christopher N. Lasch, and Ingrid V. Eagly
Patent Damages Heuristics, Tom Cotter
Strategies of Public UDAP Enforcement, Prentiss Cox, Mark Totten, and Amy Widman
Of Loaded Weapons and Legal Alchemy, Great Cases and Bad (?) Law: Korematsu and Strict Scrutiny, 1944-2017, Scott Dewey
Punishing Kids in Juvenile and Criminal Court, Barry Feld
A Consumer’s Guide to Sentencing Reform: Reflections on Zimring’s Cautionary Tale, Richard Frase
A Measure of Tolerance: Public Attitudes on Sentencing Enhancements for Old and Juvenile Prior Records, Richard Frase, Kelly Mitchell, Rhys Hester, and Julian V. Roberts
Prior Record Enhancements at Sentencing: Unsettled Justifications and Unsettling Consequences, Richard Frase, Kelly Lyn Mitchell, Rhys Hester Hester, and Julian V. Roberts
How Is Competition Policy Coping with Atlantic Area Airline Markets?, Daniel Gifford and Robert T. Kudrle
Standards of Proof and Civil Litigation: A Game-Theoretic Analysis, Alice Guerra, Barbara Luppi, and Francesco Parisi
SOPRA? So What?: Chevron Reform Misses the Target Entirely, Kristin Hickman
Symbolism and Separation of Powers in Agency Design, Kristin Hickman
Panel Effects in Administrative Law: A Study of Rules, Standards, and Judicial Whistleblowing, Kristin Hickman, Emerson H. Tiller, and Morgan Hazelton
An Identity Theory of the Short- and Long-Term Investor Debate, Claire Hill
Caremark as Soft Law, Claire Hill
Cheap Sentiment, Claire Hill
#MeToo and the Convergence of CSR and Profit Maximization, Claire Hill
The Neglected Role of Justification under Uncertainty in Corporate Governance and Finance, Claire Hill and Alessio M. Pacces
Accountability in the Deep State, Heidi Kitrosser
Public Employee Speech and Magarian’s Dynamic Diversity, Heidi Kitrosser
Judicial Elections in the 2010s, Herbert M. Kritzer
Behavioral Models in Tort Law, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
From Duty and Disclosure to Power and Participation in Social Enterprise, Brett McDonnell
Selfmarks, William McGeveran
The Constitutional Right to Asylum: The Wave of the Future in International Refugee Law?, Steve Meili
Managing Terrorism, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Colm Campbell