Content Posted in 2021
A Blueprint for States to Solve the Mandatory Arbitration Problem While Avoiding FAA Preemption Note, Sam Cleveland
A Broken Theory: The Malfunction Theory of Strict Products Liability and the Need for a New Doctrine in the Field of Surgical Robotics Note, Christopher Beglinger
A Call to Congress: A Constitutional Indian Child Welfare Act is Not a Flawless Indian Child Welfare Act, Maci Burke
Access to Evidence in Private International Law, Francesco Parisi, Alice Guerra, and Daniel Pi
Accuracy in Public Law Enforcement Under Political Competition: Comment, Francesco Parisi
Accuracy of Verdicts under Different Jury Sizes and Voting Rules, Francesco Parisi, Alice Guerra, and Barbara Luppi
A Consumer Guide to Empirical Family Law, June Carbone
Addressing the HIPAA-Potamus Sized Gap in Wearable Technology Regulation Note, Paige Papandrea
A Disability Studies Perspective on the Legal Boundaries of Fat and Disability, Katie Warden
A Faustian Bargain That Undermines Research Participants’ Privacy Rights and Return of Results, Susan M. Wolf
Affordable Content in Legal Education, Connie Lenz
Aging Judges, Francis Shen
Ain't No Taxing High Enough: Using Land Value Taxation to Combat the Nation's Rental Affordability Crisis, Robert Stephen Earnest
A Law and Economics Perspective on Precontractual Liability, Eleonora Melato and Francesco Parisi
A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, Francesco Parisi, Nuno Garoupa, and Jonathan Klick
An Economic Analysis of the CISG, Francesco Parisi and Marta Cenini
An Empirical Examination of Agency Statutory Interpretation, Amy Semet
An Erie Silence: Erie Guesses and Their Effects on State Courts, Common Law, and Jurisdictional Federalism Note, Connor Shaull
Antitrust Policy Toward Patent Licensing: Why Negotiation Matters, Daniel F. Spulber
A [Relational] Theory of Procedure, Justin Sevier
Asylum Under Attack: Is It Time for A Constitutional Right?, Steve Meili
Asymmetric Solutions to Asymmetric Information Problems, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, and Sander Onderstal
Asymmetries in Rent Seeking, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Eric Langlais, Bruno Lovat, and Francesco Parisi
A Unified Approach to Erie Analysis for Federal Statutes, Rules, and Common Law, Allan Erbsen
Bad Agent, Good Citizen?, Claire Hill and Brett McDonnell
Bargaining for Legal Harmonization: Jurisdictional Competition and Legal Obsolescence, Emanuela Carbonara and Francesco Parisi
Behavioral Models in Tort Law, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
Behind the Binary Bars: A Critique of Prison Placement Policies for Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming Prisoners Note, Jessica Szuminski
Beyond Liability: Correcting Optimism Bias Through Tort Law, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Biasing, Debiasing, and the Law, Daniel Pi, Francesco Parisi, and Barbara Luppi
Blackstonian Marriage, Gender, and Cohabitation, June Carbone
Board Compliance, John Armour Min, Geeyoung; Brandon Garrett; and Jeffrey Gordon
Book Review: Speech, Crime, and the Uses of Language. by Kent Greenawalt, Maimon Schwarzschild
Can Sentencing Guidelines Commissions Help States Substantially Reduce Mass Incarceration?, Richard Frase
Can Sentencing Guidelines Commissions Help States Substantially Reduce Mass Incarceration? The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration, Richard S. Frase
Catching Unfitness, Jon J. Lee
Categorizing Chevron, Kristin Hickman
Categorizing Chevron, Kristin Hickman and R. David Hahn
Choice of Law and Legal Evolution: Rethinking the Market for Legal Rules, Francesco Parisi and Emanuela Carbonara
Civil War as Paradigm: Reestablishing the Rule of Law at the End of the Cold War, Jill Elaine Hasday
Classics in Comparative Law: An Introduction, Tom Ginsburg, P. G. Monateri, and Francesco Parisi
Coase Theorem and Transaction Cost Economics in the Law, Francesco Parisi
Commentary B on Breton and Salmon [Bijural Services as Factors of Production], Francesco Parisi
Commons and Anticommons, Francesco Parisi
Community in Property: Lessons from Tiny Homes Villages, Lisa T. Alexander
Comparative Law and Economics: Accounting for Social Norms, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Competing Competitions: Anticompetitive Conduct by Publisher-Controlled Esports Leagues Notes, Michael Arin
Congress's Agency Coordination, Bijal Shah
Constituting a People: The Challenge of the Indian Founding, Cheryl Saunders
Constitutionalized Human Rights Law in Mexico: Hope for Central American Refugees?, Steve Meili
Constitutionalizing Consumer Financial Protection: The Case for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Hosea H. Harvey
Constructing Identities of Deservedness: Public Housing and Post-WWII Economic Planning Efforts, Prentiss A. Dantzler and Jason D. Rivera
Contracting for Fourth Amendment Privacy Online, Wayne A. Logan and Jake Linford
Contracting Our Way to Inequality: Race, Reproductive Freedom, and the Quest for the Perfect Child, Camille Gear Rich
Core Criminal Procedure, Steven Arrigg Koh
Countervailing Norms, Emanuela Carbonara, Francesco Parisi, and Georg von Wangenheim
COVID-19: A Crisis and an Opportunity to Improve the Emergency Use Authorization Process, Daniel Walsh, Ph.D
Crowding-Out in Productive and Redistributive Rent-Seeking, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Eric Langlais, and Bruno Lovat
Customary International Law, Jef De Mot, Vincy Fon, and Francesco Parisi
Dealing with Mass Incarceration The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration, Alfred Blumstein
Deal Insurance: Representation and Warranty Insurance in Mergers and Acquisitions, Sean J. Griffith
Demystifying Patent Holdup, Tom Cotter
Determining The Perspective Of A Reasonable Police Officer: An Evidence-Based Proposal, Mitchell Zamoff
Determining the Perspective of a Reasonable Police Officer: An Evidence-Based Proposal, Mitchell E. Zamoff
Deterrence of Wrongdoing in Ancient Law, Francesco Parisi, Daniel Pi, Barbara Luppi, and Iole Fargnoli
Diploma Privilege and the Constitution, Carol Chomsky
Double-Edged Torts, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Daniel Pi
Double Standards: An Empirical Study of Patent and Trademark Discipline, Jon J. Lee
Early Repayment of Loans Under EU Law: The Lexitor Judgment, Francesco Parisi and Enrico Baffi
Economic Foundations of Private Law: An Introduction, Richard A. Posner and Francesco Parisi
Eligible Subject Matter at the Patent Office: An Empirical Study of the Influence of Alice on Patent Examiners and Patent Applicants, Jay P. Kesan Wang, Runhua
Eminent Domain Law as Climate Policy, Alexandra Klass
Ending Black America's Permanent Economic Recession: Direct and Indirect Job Creation and Affirmative Action Are Necessary, Algernon Austin
Energy and Eminent Domain, Alexandra Klass
Energy and Eminent Domain, James W. Coleman and Alexandra B. Klass
Energy Transitions in the Trump Administration and Beyond, Alexandra Klass
Enforcing Bilateral Promises, Francesco Parisi, Marta Cenini, and Barbara Luppi
Entropy and the Asymmetric Coase Theorem, Francesco Parisi
Evidentiary Irony and the Incomplete Rule of Completeness: A Proposal to Amend Federal Rule of Evidence 106, Daniel J. Capra Richter, Liesa L.
Expanding the Extraordinary: Expungements in Minnesota, Alena Simon
Extraterritorial Damages in Patent Law, Tom Cotter
Facial Recognition and the Fourth Amendment, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
Family Law and Succession, Francesco Parisi and Giampaolo Frezza
Fighting for Attention: Democracy, Free Speech, and the Marketplace of Ideas, G. Michael Parsons
Fly in the Face of Bias: Algorithmic Bias in Law Enforcement's Facial Recognition Technology and the Need for an Adaptive Legal Framework, Peter N.K. Schuetz
Forgotten Borrowers: Protecting Private Student Loan Borrowers Through State Law, Prentiss Cox
Fractured Justice: An Experimental Study of Pretrial Judicial Decision-Making, Prentiss Cox
Frank Zimring Responds The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration: Essay, Franklin Zimring
From ‘Tragedy’ to ‘Disaster’: Welfare Effects of Commons and Anticommons Dilemmas, Francesco Parisi, Sven Vanneste, A. Van Hiel, and Ben Depoorter
Functional Law and Economics, Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi
Fun with Reverse Ejusdem Generis, Jay Wexler
Gordon Tullock and the Virginia School of Law and Economics, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Halo from the Other Side: An Empirical Study of District Court Findings of Willful Infringement and Enhanced Damages Post-Halo Note, Veena Tripathi
Harmonization of European Private Law: An Economic Analysis, Francesco Parisi
Health Care Costs and the Arc of Innovation, Neel U. Sukhatme and M. Gregg Bloche
Herein of "Herein Granted": Why Article I's Vesting Clause Does Not Support the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers, Richard Primus
How a New Standard of Care Can Make Social Media Companies Better “Good Samaritans”, Jenna Hensel
How Can States Counter Terrorism While Protecting Human Rights?, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
How Should Non-Probate Transfers Matter in Intestacy?, Mary Louise Fellows
Il Mercato Dopo la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008, Francesco Parisi and Enrico Baffi
Imagining the Progressive Prosecutor, Benjamin Levin
Improving Board Decisions: The Promise of Diversity, Cindy A. Schipani
Improving Consumer Protection: Lessons from the 2008 Recession, Martha Coakley and Alicia Daniel
Incentive Effects of Class Actions and Punitive Damages Under Alternative Procedural Regimes, Francesco Parisi, Marta Cenini, and Barbara Luppi
Incognito Mode Is in the Constitution Note, Travis Panneck
Injurers versus Victims: (A)Symmetric Reactions to Symmetric Risks, Francesco Parisi and Alice Guerra
Inside Job: The Assault on the Structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Patricia A. McCoy
International Customary Law and Articulation Theories: An Economic Analysis, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Judicial Creativity and Judicial Errors: An Organizational Perspective, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Judicial Precedents in Civil Law Systems: A Dynamic Analysis, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Judicial Restoration of Rights as an Auxiliary to the Pardon Power, JaneAnne Murray
Jumping Hurdles to Sue the Police, Sunita Patel
Jury Size and the Hung-Jury Paradox, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Laudatio: Pietro Trimarchi, Francesco Parisi
Law and Economics as We Grow Younger, Francesco Parisi
Law and Economics: The Comparative Law and Economics of Frustration in Contracts, Marta Cenini, Barbara Luppi, and Francesco Parisi
Law as a Voluntary Enterprise, Francesco Parisi
Lawmakers as Norms Entrepreneurs, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Georg von Wangenheim
Lawyers and Historians Argue about the Constitution, Jack M. Balkin
Legislation and Countervailing Effects from Social Norms, Francesco Parisi and Georg von Wangenheim
Liability for Pure Financial Loss: Revisiting the Economic Foundations of a Legal Doctrine, Francesco Parisi
Liability Rules: An Economic Taxonomy, Francesco Parisi
Liability Rules: An Economic Taxonomy, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Francesco Parisi
LIBOR: The World’s Most Important Headache, Alec Foote Mitchell
Like “Nobody Has Ever Seen Before”: Precedent and Privilege in the Trump Era, Heidi Kitrosser
Litigating Imperfect Solutions: State Constitutional Claims in Federal Court, Michael T. Morley
Litigation and Legal Evolution: Does Procedure Matter?, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Litigation as Rent Seeking, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Loss-Sharing Between Non-Negligent Parties, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, and Bruno Lovat
Managing COVID-19: Legal and Institutional Issues, Yong-Shik Lee
Market, Votes, and ‘The Calculus of Consent’, Francesco Parisi
Matching Rules, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Material Breach, Material Disclosure Note, Tash Bottum
Medicate and Segregate: How Due Process Fails to Protect Mentally Ill Inmates from Medically Inappropriate Confinement and Restraint, Peter J. Teravskis
Mending MEPA Analysis: Properly Addressing Climate Change Costs Under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act, Brent Murcia
Methodological Debates in Law and Economics: The Changing Contours of a Discipline, Francesco Parisi
#MeToo and the Convergence of CSR and Profit Maximization, Claire Hill
Minnesota's Digital Divide: How Minnesota Can Replicate the Rural Electrification Act to Deliver Rural Broadband Note, Abby Oakland
MJLST Vol. 23 Masthead, Front Matter, Table of Contents
Moral Restorative Justice: A Political Genealogy of Activism and Neoliberalism in the United States, Amy J. Cohen
Moving Beyond Reflexive Chevron Deference: A Way Forward for Asylum Seekers Basing Claims on Membership in a Particular Social Group, Seiko Shastri
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Legal Education, Francesco Parisi
Multiple Causes and Stacked Inferences: Comment, Francesco Parisi
Narrowing Chevron’s Domain, Kristin Hickman
Narrowing Chevron’s Domain, Kristin Hickman and Aaron L. Nielson
No Privilege to Pollute: Expanding the Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege, Tom Lininger
On Public Employees and Judicial Buck-Passing: The Respective Roles of Statutory and Constitutional Protections for Government Whistleblowers, Heidi Kitrosser
On the Optimal Specificity of Legal Rules, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Optimal Liability for Optimistic Tortfeasors, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts, Francesco Parisi, Vincy Fon, and Barbara Luppi
Optimal Timing of Legal Intervention: The Role of Timing Rules, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Organizational Justice and Antidiscrimination, Bradley A. Areheart
Owning Colors, Jon J. Lee
Parental Autonomy over Prenatal End-of-Life Decisions, Greer Donley
Paying for Gun Violence, Samuel D. Brunson
Paying Unpayable Debts: Juvenile Restitution and Its Shortcomings in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Anwen Parrott
Politics with(out) Coase, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Prefazione, Francesco Parisi
Presidential Law, Shalev Roisman
Prison-Release Reform and American Decarceration, Kevin Reitz
Prison-Release Reform and American Decarceration The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration, Kevin R. Reitz
Private Law Alternatives to the Individual Mandate, Wendy Netter Epstein
Productive and Unproductive Competition: A Unified Framework, Francesco Parisi, Alice Guerra, and Barbara Luppi
Prologue, Navin Ramalingam and Hillary Richard
Prologue, Navin Ramalingam
Proxy Discrimination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Daniel Schwarcz and Anya E.R. Prince
Public-Private Co-Enforcement Litigation, Stephanie Bornstein
Punitive Damages and Class Actions, Francesco Parisi and Marta Cenini
Quantifying Reasonable Doubt, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Daniel Pi
Quantitative Methods in Comparative Law, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Race, Rights and the Representation of Children, Barry Feld
Random Selection for Scaling Standards, Michael Abramowicz
Recession in Retrospect: Financial Regulation & Consumer Protection Ten Years Since the 2008 Financial Crisis Foreword, David A. LaBerge
Refunding the Community: What Defunding MPD Means and Why It Is Urgent and Realistic, JLI Vol. 39 Editorial Board
Regime Congruence: Rethinking the Scope of State Responsibility for Transboundary Environmental Harm, Maria L. Banda
Regulating Entities and Activities: Complementary Approaches to Nonbank Systemic Risk, Daniel Schwarcz
Regulating the Energy “Free Riders, Alexandra Klass
Regulation in Transition, Bethany A. Davis Noll and Richard L. Revesz
Religious Antiliberalism and the First Amendment, Richard Schragger and Micah Schwartzman
Religious Exemptions and LGBTQ Child Welfare, Jordan Blair Woods
Remarks by Chairman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03), Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
Renewable Energy and Trade: Meeting the Paris Agreement’s Goals Through a Two-Step Jurisprudential Advance, Lisa Benjamin
Rent-Seeking and Litigation: The Hidden Virtues of Limited Fee-Shifting, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Georg von Wangenheim
Repetition, Ritual, and Reputation: How Do Market Participants Deal with (Some Types of) Incomplete Information?, Claire Hill
Restoring ALJ Independence, Richard E. Levy Glicksman, Robert L.
Restructuring Rebuttal of the Marital Presumption for the Modern Era, Jessica Feinberg
Rethinking Police Rulemaking, Maria Ponomarenko
Rethinking Police Rulemaking, Maria Ponomarenko
Rethinking the Conflicts Revolution in Personal Jurisdiction, Jesse M. Cross
Returns to Effort in Rent-Seeking Games, Francesco Parisi and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Revenge and Retaliation, Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
Role-Reversibility, Stochastic Ignorance, and Social Cooperation, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Rules versus Standards, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
Sadomasochistic Judging, David Schraub
Second Look = Second Chance: Turning the Tide Through NACDL's Model Second Look Legislation, JaneAnne Murray, Sean Hecker, Michael Skocpol, and Marissa Elkins
Seeking Rents in the Shadow of Coase, Francesco Parisi, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, and Sander Onderstal
Self-Defeating Subsidiarity, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Barbara Luppi
Separate Judicial Speech, Neha Jain
Separating Complements: The Effects of Competition and Quality Leadership, Francesco Parisi, Matteo Alvisi, and Emanuela Carbonara
Shareholder Democracy and Special Interest Governance, John H. Matheson and Vilena Nicolet
Sharing Residual Liability: ‘Cheapest Cost Avoider’ Revisited, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Alice Guerra
Siting Natural Gas Pipelines Post-PennEast: The New Power of State-Held Conservation Easements Note, Zach Wright
Small Debts, Big Burdens, Chrystin Ondersma
Social Distancing with Your Doctor: The Promise of Telemedicine in Medicare and Medicaid, And How to Pay for It, Jacob Hauschild
Social Networks, Self-Denial, and Median Preferences: Conformity as an Evolutionary Strategy, Francesco Parisi and Jonathan Klick
Soft Law as Governing Law, Steven L. Schwarcz
Solving Banking's 'Too Big to Manage' Problem, Jeremy C. Kress
Space: The Final next Frontier Note, Bonny Birkeland
Stability and Change in International Customary Law, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
Standards of Proof and Civil Litigation: A Game-Theoretic Analysis, Francesco Parisi, Alice Guerra, and Barbara Luppi
State Individual Income Tax Conformity in Practice: Evidence from the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, Amy B. Monahan
Still Strangers in the Land: Achievement Barriers, Burdens, and Bridges Facing African American Students Within Predominantly White Law Schools, Cristal E. Jones
Striking a Balance: Rapid Reporting Laws Combined with Farmed Animal Welfare Laws as an Alternative to Ag-Gag Statutes, Jennifer Satterfield
Subsidiarity for a Changing Union, Emanuela Carbonara, Barbara Luppi, and Francesco Parisi
Substituting Complements, Francesco Parisi and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Teaching Law and Artificial Intelligence, Brendan Johnson and Francis Shen
Testing Periods and Outcome Determination in Criminal Cases, Fiona Doherty
The $2 Billion-Plus Price of Injustice: A Methodological Map for Police Reform in the George Floyd Era, David Schultz
The Advent of Effortless Expression: An Examination of the Copyrightability of BCI-Encoded Brain Signals Note, Jonathan Baker
The Arbitration Rules: Procedural Rulemaking by Arbitration Providers, David Horton
The Bill of Lading on the Blockchain: An Analysis of its Compatibility with International Rules on Commercial Transactions, Mark L. Shope
The Categorical Imperative as a Decarceral Agenda The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration: Essay, Jessica M. Eaglin
The Comparative Law and Economics of Pure Economic Loss, Francesco Parisi, Vernon Palmer, and Mauro Bussani
The Controversial Demise of Zauderer: Revitalizing Zauderer Post-NIFLA Note, Aaron Stenz
The Economic Analysis of International Treaty Law, Francesco Parisi and Daniel Pi
The Economics of Customary Law: Lessons From Evolutionary Socio-Biology, Francesco Parisi
The Economics of Legal Harmonization in European Tort Law, Francesco Parisi
The Economics of Tort Law, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Francesco Parisi
The Economics of Treaty Ratification, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
The Edges are Bleeding: Constitutional Proxies and Imprisoned Trans Bodies in Edmo and Gibson, Jen L. Davison
The Efficiency of Comparative Causation, Francesco Parisi and Ram Singh
The Failure of Youth Sports Concussion Laws and the Limits of Legislating Health Education, Francis Shen
The Fall and Rise of Functional Property, Francesco Parisi
The Formation of International Treaties, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
The Fourth Amendment Implications of 'U.S. Imitation Judges', Mary Holper
The Gender of Occupation, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
The Hidden Bias of the Vienna Convention, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon
The Hidden Power of Compliance, Stavros Gadinis and Amelia Miazad
The Intersectionality of Age and Gender on the Bench: Are Younger Female Judges Harsher with Serious Crimes?, Francis Shen
The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity: An Introduction, Mark F. Grady and Francesco Parisi
The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior: An Introduction, Francesco Parisi and Vernon L. Smith
The Law of Energy Exports, Alexandra Klass and Shantal Pai
The Lawyer as Accomplice: Cannabis, Uber, Airbnb, and the Ethics of Advising 'Disruptive' Businesses, Charles M. Yablon
The Limits of Equality and Gender Discourses in Counter-Terrorism: The Case of Women and Children in Syria and Iraq, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
The Market for Intellectual Property: The Case of Complementary Oligopoly, Francesco Parisi and Ben Depoorter
The New Law of Gender Nonconformity, Naomi Schoenbaum
The Normative Fourth Amendment, Matthew Tokson
The Origins and Evolution of Property Rights Systems, Francesco Parisi
The Paradox of Exclusive State-Court Jurisdiction Over Federal Claims, Thomas B. Bennett
The Paradox of Legal Harmonization, Francesco Parisi and Emanuela Carbonara
The Problem with Predators, June Carbone
The Progressivity Ratchet, Ari Glogower and David Kamin
The Public Use Clause in an Age of U.S. Natural Gas Exports, Alexandra Klass
The Rise and Fall of the Polluter Pays Principle in Developing Countries, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, and Shruti Rajagopalan
The Role of Courts in the Evolution of Standard Form Contracts: An Insurance Case Study, Daniel Schwarcz
The Role of Status Quo Bias and Bayesian Learning in the Creation of New Legal Rights, Francesco Parisi and Robert L. Scharff
The Shackled Sexual Assault Victim: Trauma, Resistance, and Criminal Justice Violations of an Indigenous Woman, Melanie Randall
The Sound and Fury of Patent Activity, Robin C. Feldman and Mark A. Lemley
The Too Big to Fail Problem, Saule T. Omarova
“Tone at the Top” and the Communication of Corporate Values: Lost in Translation?, Claire Hill
Toward an Asymmetric Coase Theorem, Francesco Parisi and Barbara Luppi
Towards A Civil Rights Approach to Insurance Anti-Discrimination Law, Daniel Schwarcz
Transactional Scripts in Contract Stacks, Shaanan Cohney Hoffman, David A.
Two Dimensions of Regulatory Competition, Francesco Parisi, Norbert Schulz, and Jonathan Klick
Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, Francesco Parisi, Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, and Ariel Porat
Uncorporate Insider Trading, Peter Molk
Uncoupling, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Unjust Laws and Illegal Norms, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Georg von Wangenheim
Unraveling the Tax Treaty, Rebecca M. Kysar
Vote Denial and Defense: Reaffirming the Constitutionality of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, Hayden Johnson
Ways of Price Making and the Challenge of Market Governance in U.S. Energy Law, William Boyd
What Both Hart and Fuller Got Wrong, Oren Gross
What Exactly Is the Rule of Law?, Robert Stein
When Claims About Lollipops Are Best Kept Under Wraps: Can the FDA Regulate Off-Label Speech?, Emily Moss
Who Will Be Liable for Medical Malpractice in the Future? How the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Will Shape Medical Tort Law, Scott J. Schweikart
Wicked Crypto, Alan Rozenshtein
Women, Rule-Breaking, and the Triple Bind, June Carbone
'Wreaking Extraordinary Destruction': Defendant's Irreplaceability as Presumptively Reasonable Grounds for Downward Departure in Sentencing Note, Jackie Fielding
Zimring on Mass Incarceration: Empirical Pessimism and Cautious Reformist Optimism The 2019 Minnesota Law Review Symposium - Mass Incarceration, Robert Weisberg