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MJLST Editorial Board
Student Masthead
MJLST Editorial Board
The Midas Touch
Jim Chen
From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds
Crawford S. Holling
Panarchy and Adaptive Change: Around the Loop and Back Again
Bradley C. Karkkainen
Frontiers of Medical Technology: Reflections on the Intersection of Innovation and the Health Care System
Susan B. Foote
Pesticides, Children's Health Policy, and Common Law Tort Claims
Alexandra B. Klass
Segregation and Environmental Justice
Myron Orfield
To Recall or Not Recall, That Is the Question: The Current Controversy over Medical Device Recalls
Ralph F. Hall
Notifying Physicians and Patients About Medical Device Safety Issues: Thoughts From the FDA
Mark Barnett and Daniel Schultz
The Twin Pillars Knowledge and Trust
Mark Carlson
Disclosing Risks of New Technologies: Ethical Challenges for Physicians, Patients, and Companies
Dianne Bartels
A Proposed Solution to the Notification Problem
Ralph F. Hall
Lessons from the European Union: Need for a Post-Grant Mechanism for Third Party Challenge to U.S. Patents
Jordan K. Paradise
Patient Expectations and Access to Prescription Medication are Threatened by Pharmacist Conscience Clauses
Kelsey C. Brodsho
Pharmacists and the "Morning-After Pill": Creating Room for Conscience Behind the Counter
Tony J. Kriesel
Note & Comment
Critical Habitat in the Balance: Science, Economics, and Other Relevant Factors
Ronny Millen and Christopher L. Burdett