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Friday, March 4th
2:15 AM

Panel 3: Whose Fault Is it? 3D Printing Product Liability Issues

Lisa M. Baird, Reed Smith LLP
Bruce R. Kline, Mayo Clinic Ventures
Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Joe Winebrenner, Faegre Baker Daniels
Charles Zimmerman, Zimmerman Reed
Colleen Davies, Reed Smith LLP

University of Minnesota Law School

2:15 AM

9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

Nia Chung Srodoski
Emily Harrison

University of Minnesota Law School

9:00 AM

9:10 AM

Introduction to 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing)

Michael McAlpine, McAlpine Group

University of Minnesota Law School

9:10 AM

10:00 AM

Panel 1: “Hey, You Stole My 3D Printed Heart!” And Related IP Issues

Charles Cronin, USC Gould School of Law
Deven Desai, Georgia Institute of Technology
Brude R. Kline, Mayo Clinic Ventures
Darrell Mottley, Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
Bryan Vogel, Robins Kaplan LLP
William McGeveran

University of Minnesota Law School

10:00 AM

11:45 AM

Keynote Speech - 3D[e] Novo

Candice Ciresi, Stratasys

University of Minnesota Law School

11:45 AM

12:45 PM

Panel 2: On a Collision Course with Existing Regulation and Policy

Peter Jensen-Haxel, Jensen-Haxel Law
Kyle Langvardt, University of Detroit Law School
Adam Thierer, George Mason University
Ralph Hall, University of Minnesota Law School

University of Minnesota Law School

12:45 PM