Content Posted in 2024
20 Years Later: Qualified Immunity as a Model for Improving Manifestation Determination Reviews under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Matthew Schmitz
AI Tools for Lawyers: A Practical Guide, Daniel Schwarcz
An Empirical Constitutional Crisis: When Magistrate Judges Exercise De Facto Article III Power, Edward Adams
Antidiscrimination Efforts and the Repressive Weight of Culture, Matthew Bodie
Arbitrary and Capricious x Artificial Intelligence, Zoe E. Niesel
A Right to Republish: Redesigning Copyright Law for Research Works, Faith O. Majekolagbe
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Reasoning, Legal Research and Legal Writing, S. Sean Tu, Amy Cyphert, and Samuel J. Perl
Breaking Barriers: Cross-State Licensing Reform for Licensed Professional Counselors, Madeleine Rossi
Breaking Ground: Understanding Indigenous Mining Disputes Through Negotiation Theory, Shaadie Ali
Burdens of Proof in Establishing Negligence: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis, Francesco Parisi and Giampaolo Frezza
Centralizing Pharmaceutical Innovation, Sapna Kumar
Challenging the Criminalization of Homelessness Under Fair Housing Law, Tom Stanley-Becker
Clearing the Darkened Air: Regulating Dark Patterns as Air Pollution, Michael Rosenbloom
Corpus Enigmas and Contradictory Linguistics: Tensions Between Empirical Semantic Meaning and Judicial Interpretation, Peter Henderson, Daniel E. Ho, Andrea Vallebueno, and Cassandra Handan-Nader
“Criminalizing” Depositions in Arbitration, Mitch Zamoff
Deepfake 2024: Will Citizens United and Artificial Intelligence Together Destroy Representative Democracy?, Richard Painter
Destruction, Proportionality, and Sustainability: A Law-and-Economics Analysis, Thomas F. Cotter
Empirically Assessing Medical Device Innovation, George Horvath
Fatherhood, Family Law, and the Crisis of Boys and Men, June Carbone and Clare Huntington
Generative AI, Plagiarism, and Copyright Infringement in Legal Documents, Amy B. Cyphert
Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law: Impact, Opportunities, and Risks, John Villasenor
Importance and Interpretive Questions, Ilan Wurman
Independence Reconceived, Claire A. Hill and Yaron Nili
Institutional Flexibility in Tax Law and Enforcement, Claire Hill, Francesco Parisi, Emanuela Carbonara, and Philip A. Curry
Interpreting the Ambiguities of Section 230, Alan Rozenshtein
January 6, Ambiguously Inciting Speech, and the Overt-Acts Rule, Alan Rozenshtein and Jed Handelsman Shugerman
Just Don’t Do It: Why Cannabis Regulations are the Reason Cannabis Businesses are Failing, Edward Adams
Las comisiones de la verdad y los legados coloniales: lecciones desde Colombia (2018-2022), Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Claire Wright, and Bill Rolston
Legal Endearment: An Unmarked Barrier to Transforming Policing, Public Safety, and Security, Emmanuel Mauleón
Liability or No Liability? Promoting Safety by Shifting Accident Losses onto Third Parties, Francesco Parisi
Making Law Practice Technology More Simulation-Based, Jacob Sayward
Martin Sostre – Enemy of the State, Laura Molik
Of Loaded Weapons and Legal Alchemy, Great Cases and Bad (?) Law: Korematsu and Strict Scrutiny, 1944-2017, Scott Dewey
Opportunistic Breach of Contract, Francesco Parisi, Brian H. Bix, and Ariel Porat
OT '22 and the Path of Administrative Law, Ilan Wurman
Platform Unions, Charlotte Garden
Populist Politics and International Business Policy: Problems, Practices, and Prescriptions for MNEs, Paul Vaaler, Christopher Hartwell, Barclay James, Thomas Lindner, and Jakob Müllner
Prosecutorial Data Transparency and Data Justice, Perry Moriearty
Race, Racial Bias, and Imputed Liability Murder, Perry Moriearty, Kat Albrecht, and Caitlin Glass
Raz y Bulygin sobre teoría del derecho y enunciados jurídicos, Brian Bix
Second, But Not Last: Competition with Positive Spillovers, Francesco Parisi
Shareholders All the Way Down: EU Corporate Sustainability Reforms and the Structure of Corporate Governance, Matthew Bodie
Silence As Consumer Consent: Global Regulation of Negative Option Contracts, Prentiss Cox and Kaitlin Caruso
Stakeholder Governance as Governance by Stakeholders, Brett H. McDonnell
Sword or Shield? The Weaponization of Title IX Against Transgender Athletes, Jacqueline Brant
Teaching “Mistrust”, Sarah J. Schendel and Sam E. Bourgeois
The Batson Challenge: Evidence, Court Opacity, and Discrimination Before the Supreme Court, Kaitlyn Filip
The Conservative Case for ESG, Richard Painter
The Court’s Morality Play: The Punishment Lens, Sex, and Abortion, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn
The Metamorphoses of Racial Discrimination in American Real Estate, Stevie J. Swanson
The Original Presidency: A Conception of Administrative Control, Ilan Wurman
The Public Administration of Justice, Nicholas Bednar
The Right to Boycott: Anti-BDS Laws Violate the First Amendment to Protect Apartheid, Buchanan Waller
The Right to Fail, Alexander Boni-Saenz
The Subfederal in Immigration Polarization, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
The Three-Verdict Problem, Jack Whiteley
The Value of Understandable Consumer Insurance Contracts, Daniel Schwarcz, Kyle Logue, and Brenda J. Cude
The Virtuous Executive, Alan Rozenshtein
Volume 25, Issue 2 Masthead and Front Matter
Volume 25, Symposium Issue Masthead and Front Matter
When an Indicted Candidate Wins the Presidency: What Happens to the Trials If Donald Trump Wins the Election?, Richard Painter and Claire Finkelstein
"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility": Improving Your Feedback and Hallmarks of Effective Feedback, Randall Ryder