Constitutional Commentary
Constitutional Commentary was founded in 1984 and is one of the few faculty-edited law journals in the country. It enjoys a wide following among legal scholars, historians, political scientists and others interested in constitutional law and history. Part of its popularity is due to the editors’ preference for “shorter and less ponderous articles” as opposed to the more lengthy and heavily footnoted articles found in traditional law reviews.Minnesota Journal of International Law
The Minnesota Journal of International Law is a student-led publication at the University of Minnesota Law School. We aspire to be a leader in the multidisciplinary study of international and comparative law. The Journal annually publishes two print volumes and one online edition. Each publication consists of articles and notes relating to various topics in international law, including international politics, trade and economics, human rights, and humanitarian law. Our authors range from international scholars, legal experts to our very own student staff members.
Student staff members are selectively chosen after completing a competitive two week petition process. Incoming staff members are responsible for assisting in the editing process of publication. Staff members also spend many hours writing their own articles – either a “note” or a “comment” – which they are then able to submit for publication. After spending one year as staffers, students are promoted to editorial positions. Editors work diligently to ensure the Journal remains a respected and qualified source of international law. Our staffers and editors play a key role in the Journal’s success and are an integral part of the Journal’s future.
Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality
ISSN 0737-089X ISSN: 2573-0037
Please visit us at our new website: https://lawandinequality.orgMinnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology
ISSN 1552-9541
The Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology publishes cutting-edge articles focused on the intersection of law, technology and the sciences. MJLST scholarship tackles on multidisciplinary issues, from intellectual property to bioethics, while maintaining a rigorous grounding in law and policy.
Per the 2018 W&L Law Journal Rankings, MJLST ranks among the top 150 Law Journals worldwide. MJLST is well-regarded in its subject areas: it currently ranks #1 in “Energy Law,” #8 in “Science, Technology and Computing,” and #9 in “Intellectual Property.” The Journal ranks #2 in “Health, Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry,” and #3 in “Environment, Natural Resources, and Land Use.”
The Journal is edited by law students from the University of Minnesota, with the support of Faculty Advisors.
Formerly the Minnesota Intellectual Property Review.
Minnesota Law Review
In January 1917, Professor Henry J. Fletcher launched the Minnesota Law Review with lofty aspirations: “A well-conducted law review . . . ought to do something to develop the spirit of statesmanship as distinguished from a dry professionalism. It ought at the same time contribute a little something to the systematic growth of the whole law.” For the next forty years, in conjunction with the Minnesota State Bar Association, the faculty of the University of Minnesota Law School directed the work of student editors of the Law Review. Despite their initial oversight and vision, however, the faculty gradually handed the editorial mantle over to law students.
During 1954 and 1955, the “faculty” editors left the masthead of the journal, affiliation with the State Bar was severed, and the faculty Editor-in-Chief quietly assumed the role of “advisor.” From April 1955 through June 1989, a student President oversaw the publication. Then, in October of 1989, the student staff revived the role of Editor-in-Chief, a title now worn by a student. Today, the Board of Editors, consisting of up to thirty-nine editors, governs the Law Review and determines its policies and procedures. Along with thirty-eight student staff members, each Board of Editors strives to rise to the challenge of Professor Fletcher to “contribute a little something to the systematic growth of the whole law.”